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The Inkscape Master Class
Welcome Menu (4:38)
Layout Overview (5:01)
Dockable Menus (2:37)
Custom Themes (2:17)
Navigating The Canvas (3:00)
The Select Tool (6:17)
Snapping (7:36)
Module Quiz (Optional)
File Menu
Opening & Importing Files (4:46)
Clipart Directory (2:10)
Saving Your Work (2:11)
Exporting Your Designs (6:01)
Documents Tool (5:30)
Batch Exporting (4:24)
Document Properties (9:54)
Creating Templates (2:26)
Module Quiz (Optional)
Edit Menu
Inkscape Preferences (7:31)
Making Bitmap Copies (1:48)
Creating Clones (5:31)
Creating Tiled Clones (15:31)
Module Quiz (Optional)
View Menu
View & Display Modes (4:39)
Rotating The Canvas (2:53)
XRay & Split View Mode (2:08)
Module Quiz (Optional)
Layers Menu
Layers & Objects (4:49)
Module Quiz (Optional)
Object Menu
Grouping Objects (2:13)
Guides (5:00)
Raising & Lowering Objects (2:58)
The Fill and Stroke Menu (10:05)
Working With Strokes (9:50)
Working With Gradients (9:20)
Working With Patterns (3:49)
Working With Swatches (4:13)
Practice (Exercise) (4:16)
Markers (5:52)
Clipping Masks (4:22)
Layer Masks (5:15)
Aligning and Distributing Objects (16:03)
Arranging Objects (8:54)
Transform Tool (7:45)
Module Quiz (Optional)
Path Functions
What Is A Path? (6:02)
Path Operations (4:53)
Practice (Exercise) (4:15)
More Path Operations (6:03)
Offsetting Paths (5:14)
Tracing Bitmaps (9:38)
Trace Pixel Art (3:18)
Module Quiz (Optional)
Path Effects
Introduction To Path Effects (4:40)
New Path Effects Menu (Version 1.3) (2:47)
Attach Path (3:39)
Bend Path (4:11)
BSpline (2:57)
Construct Grid (1:37)
Corners (Fillet & Chamfer) (3:41)
Dashed Stroke (4:20)
Envelope Deformation (2:22)
Hatches (3:28)
Module Quiz (Optional)
Working With Text
Creating Text (10:13)
Flowing Text Into A Frame (4:07)
Putting Text On A Path (10:23)
Module Quiz (Optional)
Filters Menu
Filter Effects (2:17)
Filter Gallery
Inkscape Tools
Select Tool (10:28)
Edit Paths By Nodes (15:49)
Shape Builder (3:44)
Squares and Rectangles (3:28)
Circles & Ellipses (4:06)
Stars and Polygons (3:11)
3D Boxes (3:05)
Creating Spirals (2:28)
The Bezier Pen (13:05)
Drawing Freehand Lines (5:25)
The Calligraphy Pen (7:40)
Linear and Radial Gradients (4:26)
Mesh and Conical Gradients (13:47)
Color Picker (3:18)
Bucket Fill (3:43)
Tweak Objects (5:13)
Spraying Objects (Airbrush) (5:55)
Eraser (9:34)
Diagram Connectors (4:48)
Measurements (4:37)
Zoom (2:29)
Module Quiz (Optional)
LPE Tool (11:16)
Suggestions & Requests
Suggestions and Requests
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